Gospel Gospel is Pride Prayer
01 / 03


preaching the good news

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02 / 03

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Gospel is Pride

03 / 03


Prayer is the key to success



Understanding Global Disciples

Do you want to become a better leader, one who reflects Jesus Christ in the work you do or your role in ministry? Are you looking for men and women who can be effective leaders in your church, denomination or business? Does your church or organization see the need to train and mentor those who can become the influential leaders of the next generation? Are you looking for ways to raise up leaders for newly-planted churches? If so, the LEAD track of Global Disciples offers you an effective model for training Christ-like leaders in your local context.

  • Reaching the least reached
  • Training disciples
  • Training Leaders
  • Creating self sustained churches


Mr. Tedecho continues telling his testimony for the glory of God

My name is Tedecho Fentale. (name is changed) I’m from a tribe of Kereyu in Afar region of Ethiopia. My family and I used to follow a traditional religion. As a semi-nomad I used to hunt and robe people hiding in the bushes.

The Missionaries in Closed Area

In one of our centers in the southern Ethiopia where there are the total inhabitants of the area never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, for they live under other religion & tradition. After one of our facilitator during his visit to that area, taught them evangelism & compassion from Global Disciples training material.

A miracle of God

By the guidance of the Spirit of God I went to a village named Bekesa (name of place is changed) and met a woman who has been sick for 13 years. Although she was sick she had desire to hear about the gospel. As God gave me the opportunity I told her about the love God that is manifested through Christ Jesus to her life and to her family and she accepted Christ as her personal savior. I also prayed to her. For the glory of God a small creature came out of her mouth and an insect from through her ears. By seeing the miracle God has done in her life her whole family including her husband who was strongly opposing the gospel accepted Christ as their Lord and savior.




We are here to spread the good news of Christ Jesus. You can be a very valuable partner

Millions in number of countries and tribes haven't heard the good news.

You can send one missionary to different parts of our nation through your financial support.



Contact us

Global Disciples, Ethiopia

P.O.BOX Addis Ababa, 17202

TELE: (251) 9-30100568(67)

         (251) 930077391

Understanding Global Disciples

Do you want to become a better leader, one who reflects Jesus Christ in the work you do or your role in ministry? Are you looking for men and women who can be effective leaders in your church, denomination or business? Does your church or organization see the need to train and mentor those who can become the influential leaders of the next generation? Are you looking for ways to raise up leaders for newly-planted churches? If so, the LEAD track of Global Disciples offers you an effective model for training Christ-like leaders in your local context.
