Vision, Mission, Prayer, Strategy, and Philosophy

Our Core Values

1 Intimacy with Jesus. We were created for relationship in Christ by the Holy Spirit to bring glory to God through worship, prayer, obedience, service, and fellowship.

2 The Right to Know. Every person should have at least one opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus in a way they understand and decide if they will believe.

3 Multiplying Churches. Church is God’s strategy to multiply disciples who meet, grow, and serve as local fellowships that reproduce and build up the Body of Christ.

4 Authentic Cooperation. The Body of Christ is called to unity, collaboration, and dignity for all so we serve side-by-side, beyond barriers, seeking synergy in mission.

5 Local Sustainability. Churches have in their hands what is needed to fulfill their God-given mission with faith, integrity, creativity, hard work, and interdependence.

6 Serving as Leaders. Jesus is our model to show us how to be passionate for God’s glory, how to live and love selflessly, and how to encourage others to work for the Kingdom.

7 Prayer. As we communicate with God in prayer, then wisdom, direction, power, and joy are released. Therefore, all that we do is conceived, birthed, and implemented in prayer.

Guiding Principles

1 We serve clusters of churches with a focus on least reached peoples. We believe every person should have an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Good News of Jesus. Most cross-cultural missionaries today serve where the Church is already established. We give priority to serving churches that are reaching people who are still unreached.

2 We equip churches to train and send their own near-culture workers. Global Disciples is not a mission-sending agency. We empower clusters of congregations around the world, or their mission-sending entities, to train and send out their local workers into least-reached areas. We are successful when these groups initiate reproducing, life transforming fellowships of believers in the least-reached communities around the world.

3 We help to launch training models that are locally sustainable. The majority of the finances for every program (training or sending) that we assist in developing are provided by their cluster of churches from the beginning. Programs are locally sustainable in one to three years.

4 We assist in developing training/sending patterns that reproduce and multiply. Every program developed by clusters of congregations or their mission entities that are assisted by Global must be reproducible in their regions. Our goal always is to multiply disciples, workers for the harvest, and Christ-like leaders.

5 We believe local ownership and networking instill dignity and are empowering. Global Disciples does not own the discipleship-mission, small business, and leadership training programs that we help to develop. They are initiated, owned, and governed locally. We help clusters of churches to fulfill their God-given mission by equipping the directors/trainers they choose and linking them with resources and leaders doing similar trainings through our global Alliance.

6 We practice and promote making disciples in the way of Jesus. Jesus’ approach for making disciples who make disciples is relevant for every culture and is affordable in any economy. Jesus modeled a simple practice: teach – apply – reflect. This approach is permeated with prayer, established in Scripture, dependent upon the Holy Spirit, and carried out by the Body of Christ.

7 We view mission, in the way of the Apostle Paul, as normative. The words and actions of Jesus and the Apostle Paul are to be taken seriously. Paul, with his small portable business, provides a model for mission- sending that is reproducible and can be multiplied in nearly any setting around the world.

Contact us

Global Disciples, Ethiopia

P.O.BOX Addis Ababa, 17202

TELE: (251) 9-30100568(67)

         (251) 930077391

Understanding Global Disciples

Do you want to become a better leader, one who reflects Jesus Christ in the work you do or your role in ministry? Are you looking for men and women who can be effective leaders in your church, denomination or business? Does your church or organization see the need to train and mentor those who can become the influential leaders of the next generation? Are you looking for ways to raise up leaders for newly-planted churches? If so, the LEAD track of Global Disciples offers you an effective model for training Christ-like leaders in your local context.
